Friday, 31 May 2013

Kite Festival Arena Acts

Hi everyone.
Sorry there has not been much news but now we have had some meetings we can share a bit more with you.

This year will see the return of The Flying Squad along with Team Spectrum, The Stopsley Fliers, Ex Grads and a host of international fliers which are yet to be confirmed due to other commitments.
We also hope to have Teddy Bear Parachuting on the Sunday, so bring your own teddy (Weather Permitting)

More news as we can release it.

Saturday, 18 May 2013

STACK competition this weekend

This weekend sees the STACK (Sport Team And Competitive Kiting) organisation hold a round of their series at the Dunstable Downs. 
We would like to point out this is not the Kites Festival. That will still be held in July. 
You are more than welcome to watch the teams compete today and tomorrow.